Streamlining Your Business With Dymanics 365 Finance and Operations: Mastering the Inventory Close Process

Streamlining Your Business with Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations: Mastering the Inventory Close Process


The inventory close process is a critical operation for businesses using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations. It ensures the accuracy of inventory data and financial reports, setting the stage for a new accounting period. We will explore the key steps involved in the inventory close process and how it streamlines your business operations.


Step 1: Preliminary Activities

Before diving into the inventory close process, it's essential to ensure that all inventory-related transactions are up to date. Verify there are no open sales orders, purchase orders, transfers, and production orders, and address any discrepancies or issues that may arise.


Step 2: Inventory Closing and Marking

During this step, the system marks the inventory transactions for closing. These marked transactions serve as the basis for calculating closing values for inventory accounts.


Step 4: Journal Generation

The system generates inventory closing journals based on the marked transactions. These journals represent the adjustments needed to update inventory accounts, such as inventory value and cost of goods sold.


Step 5: Review and Approval

Authorized personnel review and approve the generated inventory closing journals to ensure accuracy and correctness.


Step 6: Post-Closing Journals

Approved inventory closing journals are then posted to the general ledger to update account balances for inventory-related accounts.


Step 7: Inventory Recalculation

The system may perform an inventory recalculation after posting closing journals to update inventory quantities and values based on the closing adjustments.


Step 8: Inventory Revaluation

Depending on accounting methods and business requirements, the system may trigger an inventory revaluation to adjust inventory values based on the latest costs or market values.


Step 9: Financial Reporting

With the inventory close process completed, the system generates financial reports reflecting the updated inventory values and costs for the new accounting period.



Efficiently managing the inventory close process in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations is essential for maintaining accurate financial data to be used in enhanced decision-making. By following the outlined steps and ensuring proper review and approval, businesses can streamline their operations and improve the overall efficiency of their inventory management. Embrace the power of Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations to take control of your inventory close process and pave the way for a successful financial year.